Why Should You be a Member?
Become a proud member of the Indo-American Cancer Association. IACA is on the move and growing. We have had great success in our Traveling Fellowship Program bringing physicians from India to train in the US for 4-6 weeks. Great efforts are being placed on our palliative care initiatives as well. We are striving to do more and welcome your input and suggestions. Becoming a member will not only catalyze our process to cultivate additional centers across India through your contribution, but it will also help us raise awareness in order to educate those that do not really understand the severity of the lack of specialized cancer treatment, which continues to be our number one priority. We are building a unique group of oncologists who can share with each other questions, answers and knowledge and hope that you become part of the growing IACA. IACA is a registered public charity and all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Join Us!
There are many Features and Benefits to becoming an IACA member:
* Involved in a charity which does on-the-ground projects, spreads education, builds awareness and increases collaboration
* A conduit for the interchange of ideas and goodwill between all oncologists of Indian subcontinent origin
* Contribute to alleviating cancer symptoms and pain by supporting pain and palliative care centers
* Provide Traveling Fellowships to oncology physicians from the Indian subcontinent to the US for specialized training
* Complimentary registration to IACA meetings at ASCO, ASH and Regional Meetings
* Non-profit, public charity and all contributions, including membership fees, are tax deductible to the extent of the law
* Receive IACA E-Newsletters that contain information about our members and updates about centers in India* Current information about IACA as well as member news available at www.iacaweb.org
*Receive IACA E-Newsletters on a bi-monthly basis that contain the latest information about your colleagues
*Complimentary registration to IACA annual dinner meetings at ASCO and ASH.
*IACA is a non-profit, public charity and all fees and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Members on the Move:
Also, we like to keep members in the know, so if you are already a member and have recently changed positions, contact us at hhongosh@iacaweb.org and let us know so we can place you on our Members on the Move page.
Newsletter Invitation: Members, do you have something you want to share? We love articles from our members. These can on any topic related to our mission. Email any ideas to newsletter@iacaweb.org. Please remember to include your photo.